Therapist, Sister, Retarded..?
Question by Marilyn: Therapist, sister, retarded..?
My sister and I fought a lot when we were teenagers.. she was having an eating disorder and was acting out, having a lot of behavioral problems and I had to keep a lock on my door from her stealing stuff.
We had no parenting I guess, so of course it got messy as I’d end up retaliating against her by messing up her stuff back, she mustve been numb at the time bc it was the only way to get through to her..
Nowadays she only remembers it as I being the older one who shouldve known better, she remembers it as abuse, bc her stupid useless therapist told her “no, you should never get used to the abuse.” Mind you, we’re five years apart.. Shouldn’t I have to have been an adult for it to even constitute as abuse?
She’d turned my world upside down and was being disrespectful to my life in all sorts of ways, breaking all kinds of rules..
And now I really think that her therapist was an idiot to say that, bc how do u suppose to blame a kid for the lack of parenting being done, plus the fact that she was on drugs or diet pills andd not being responsible for her actions?
It’s really borderline malpractice to create this drama, that now she believes i abused her just because her therapist said. Doesnt her therapist know that I was a kid too?
It is so annoying. I mightve passed through a bit more than my sister if you can imagine and id been very protective or taken care of her in ways throughout the years, for her to believe and try to pul this blame stuff on me? Perhaps she had mistaken me for a mother, i felt love for her and didnt mind taking care of or buying her things but i wasnt an adult. I am so sick of how stubborn she is and scapegoating the problems of her childhood unto me.
Best answer:
Answer by LISA
Hi, i can see you are really hurt by this and you know i use to be the same for my sisters the protective one but i have long thought it was time i looked after myself and thats what you should do stop taking the blame for things you can’t change the fact, what has been done was in the pass stop letting it haunt you you get one life hunny and it should be enjoyed stop worriying about others think, if you worry about others you are wasteing your own life and you could be rejecting open doors for yourself as you see you are holding yourself back from what you should be doing. you know its untill you have had something taken away from you that life gets complex get on with your sister even though she might not want to at least you are trying.
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