Non 12 Step Drug Rehab Program Possibilities
Non 12 Step Drug Rehab Program Possibilities
There is no question that drug addiction is a devastating problem in the world today. If you, or anyone you care about, are suffering from this sort of debilitation, you are likely to be looking for help in any way it can be found. The twelve-step model is widely available and may seem like the best route to take. However, there are many non 12 step drug rehab opportunities that may be better suited for the situation.
However, before making this sort of decision, one thing must be dealt with immediately. Addiction being such a debilitating problem, including mental, emotional, and physical health problems, an assessment should be undertaken by medical professionals. Before any sort of rehabilitation measures can be taken, there may be a need for medical intervention. This is particularly true for certain types of detoxification, such as acute alcohol withdrawal.
While getting medical treatment, you may be able to discuss what sorts of options are available for rehabilitation treatment. There are many different types of systems to choose from, and some can be on an outpatient basis, or some may be in a residential environment. The important thing to do is to get help that you are comfortable with, and are willing to follow through on.
Some treatments will be almost entirely medically based. There are many medications that can help to relieve any sort of physical cravings for a drug, or that can minimize the effect of a drug, or that can make ingesting the drug very uncomfortable for the user. Examples would be Antabuse, Methadone, and Baclofen. These drugs are powerful combatants against the narcotizing effects of the drug being abused, and many find success with them. However, they remain drugs and the use of them will also have to be stopped at some point.
Some addicts have had good successes with traditional psychotherapy. This is also known as the talking cure, and it involves a series of sessions with a trained psychotherapist. During treatment you may discover the root cause of the drug abuse, and therefore be able to deal with them and overcome the addiction. It can take a considerable amount of time, but may work very well for certain individual.
There are also a few fellowship type groups that are not involved with the twelve-step model in any way. They amount to being support groups without the religious and spiritual overtones that many find so uncomfortable. Sometimes just having others to rely on when faced with temptation is enough to stave off the drug abuse and remain clean and sober.
And there will always be the difficult but proven method of simply quitting outright. This method, also know as going cold turkey, can be painful at best, but if it can be tolerated, success can come quickly and permanently. For many, this has been the only method that has proven to have any lasting effect. The willingness to quit once and for all, and to never return to the problem, can be a powerful force against addiction.
Regardless of what direction you are willing to take, that willingness is what may well save a life. While not decrying the AA model, a non 12 step drug rehab system may be better for many. So long as the approach is medically sound, success can be had without the overt religious and spiritual dogma that surrounds the twelve-step system.
robert m is a recovering addict, alcoholic who works in the drug rehab industry
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