“Winky & Wonder” by Dora E. H. Crow: Children’s Fantasy Book and Website Promote Character Education
Santa Cruz, CA (PRWEB) September 13, 2006
“Winky & Wonder”, an intriguing fantasy book, teaches children the importance of understanding how their words and actions (whether kind or hurtful ones) create ripples that spread and affect other people in the world. Invisible to humans’ eyes and unheard by their ears, Winky and Wonder whisper directly to children’s hearts, encouraging them to listen to what they already know deep inside.
“Unlike many stories with a moral theme, ‘Winky & Wonder’ is not all sweetness and fluff. Everyday events develop into serious dramas, revealing sinister plots and schemes,” says the author, Dora E. H. Crow. “Presented with a sense of mystery and a touch of humor, these tales of adventure and triumph-over-evil provide lessons about virtues, moral choices, accountability for one’s own actions, forgiveness, and life’s realities. Families and educators can use the stories in ‘Winky & Wonder’ to initiate discussions with children about situations in their own lives and help them to begin exploring ‘listening to their hearts’.”
Website Curriculum and Activities:
Mrs.Crow has developed a Winky & Wonder website to give children opportunities to actively participate in listening to their hearts and doing good for others. Mrs. Crow believes that these experiences will instill valuable lessons that will support children throughout their lives. Below is a sampling of some of the activities:
1) Whisper Children’s Club: Encourages members to have a positive influence on others by creating and spreading “Ripples of Consideration.” A list of ways suggesting how they can get started is provided. This activity demonstrates to children that they have power to affect not only people in their own lives, but shows how their actions can spread and help those who they do not know.
2) Children’s Advice Column: Children are empowered to advise other children. A child’s problem is anonymously presented and other children may offer advice to that child. This activity helps children experience using their own wisdom and power to help others.
3) Art & Essay Contest: Children may write an essay describing a time when they listened to their own hearts, and/or draw an illustration depicting a scene from the book. This activity is also a fundraiser for schools, homeschools, and libraries.
Teachers and families will discover many online activities that can be incorporated into a character education curriculum. Visit http://www.winkyandwonder.com for curriculum ideas, to read book excerpts, view illustrations, listen to the author read the prologue, and to explore children’s activities.
About the Author
Dora E. H. Crow, mother of two children and the author of “Winky & Wonder”, has had several career paths. One of her most interesting and satisfying roles was as an Alcohol Rehabilitation Intake Worker. She now writes and illustrates “Winky & Wonder” stories, along with volunteering at her children’s school and in the community. Dora says, “My most important and rewarding path in life has been raising and learning from my children. They were my inspiration to write the stories of Winky & Wonder, and they continue to teach me new things about life every day.”
Review copies available.
“Winky & Wonder: Book I and Book II”
ISBN: 0894041061
Paperback: 96 pages, 6 illustrations
Publisher: Aztex Corporation
Discussion level: All ages
Reading level: Ages 8 -12
Recommended price: $ 10.00
For additional information:
Dora E. H. Crow
Aztex Corporation
P. O. Box 50046, Tucson, AZ 85703
Sales Contact: Elaine Jordan
520-749-2260, FAX 520-749-3161