Need to Make Druggy-Duaghter Get Permenant or Long Term Birth Control?

my daughter is 24 and has just had her 4th child in 8 years. She has been addicted to crack for as least the past 4. i have ended up putting my life on hold to care for the first three, one of which has mental and emotional issues due to being born addicted to crack. i cannot take in this fourth one. i am already struggling with the ones i have. i love my daughter but i know she will not stop doing drugs or getting pregnant. she never sticks to a rehab program. she never stays on birth contro and rarely uses condoms. my sister says she will take this one but only if my daughter gets something done to not get pregnant again. my daughter refuses to get a tubal or IUD or anything. can i somehow legally take over and make her get some kind of procedure done due to her continuous drug use and abandonment of the children she already has. .
i cannot force her to take care of the kids she would only neglect them and they would end of in foster care or worst. These are my grandbabies, i’m not going to mae them suffer because of her. they did not ask for this. she would rther live on the streets and do drugs then stay at home and get help. i’ve heard that if a women is on drugs and continuously gets pregnant , a family member can get a forced power of attorney over that person from a judge to have a prodecure done. i’m just trying to find out what it’s called so i can get one. Will i need a mental eval for her? what is the process of getting this done?