Where Can I Find a No Cost Drug Rehab Clinic?

Whatever county you live in will have their own Detox Center. You can check in the phone book or visit your local Police Department and ask them. They can go here while they’re waiting to get into Drug Rehab. They have forms for those who meet the criteria. Most people who go here don’t have enough money to pay for a private rehab facility. In fact, many don’t work or even have medical insurance, so this would be where you should consider taking her.

In many cases the court will force a Substance Abuser to go because they got in some trouble. In return for completing a drug program successfully, the judge will reduce or waive their jail sentence. Typically this will also include AA meetings and making sure that they abide by all the terms of their probation. However many find it easy to slip and violate their probation and their PO (Probation Officer) is forced to put them back in jail.

I would recommend giving your loved one advice but not hold their hand. Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do but let them hit rock bottom. If they scrape their knees enough times, eventually they’ll start wearing knee pads. Sometimes “tough love” is the ticket. I know it’s not easy, but sometimes this is the only viable solution. In many cases the addict won’t even admit they have a problem, or they know it and just don’t want to do anything about it.

Also before you start the Drug Intervention go see a judge and see if they will sign a court order demanding that they attend Drug Rehab. You might have to bring some other type of proof along with you to the court house if you don’t have any legal proof.

The cool thing about having a judge sign the papers, is because if he approves it, the county will intervene and assume all of the financial costs for his Drug Rehabilitation and remove the financial burder from you. Try not to avoid waiting to get help for you or your loved one who needs it. A Drug Problem tends to get worse if it’s not treated promptly.

Let Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you about Drugs Intervention and No Cost Drug Rehab at our Substance Abuse Prevention Website.