About California Recovery Homes
As you near completion of your Los Angeles rehab program, you should feel pretty wonderful about getting sober. It has been a challenging and difficult process, and you now are facing another obstacle living sober.
Staying sober is most difficult for the first year (on average) after you first get sober. Luckily, there are a number of sober living programs available that help guide you into your new life. Speak to your counselor about Los Angeles sober living options and for help deciding on the best program that will meet each of your individual needs.
If you are feeling completely confident in your own strengths, and are willing to stay sober, then a sober coach is likely to be the best option as this service will guide you and offer the right levels of support while giving you more freedom to make your own choices.
However, more severe cases of addiction will call for a higher level of restriction. If you are especially unwilling to stay sober, or don’t feel you are ready to live sober yet, then a California recovery home is most likely the best option you can choose.
What to Expect From a California Recovery Home
If you look back over your rehab program, you will see you have made a lot of progress. Detox helped you accomplish something you could have never done on your own and it made you a healthier and stronger person.
Afterwards, you participated in a variety of counseling programs, and each of these helped educate you about addiction, and you were able to associate your own triggers with a strategic plan to overcome those challenges. You were also able to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and connecting with like minded peers helped you to socially move forward from the disease that has been holding you down.
If you have given your everything into rehab, then you have received the right tools and training needed to live sober. This is exactly what you should expect from a rehab.
But now, if you are not ready to live sober on your own just yet you can expect the ongoing support you need from a recovery home. Los Angeles offers many sober living solutions for ongoing support, and a recovery home in California is specifically designed to prevent higher risks of relapse.
You’ve come so far, and you don’t want to throw it all away now, do you?
In a California recovery home, you will continue to experience the controlled restriction against relapse in a residential setting. (If you’re not around drugs or alcohol, you can’t relapse right?)
You will also continue to receive a healthy diet of 3 nutritious meals a day, and the ability to participate in fun activities.
If stress is a major trigger that prevents you from living sober, you can extend your “get a way” by continuing your treatment in a recovery home. But you should also remember that the only effective support is one that will help you to become self sufficient. You can not depend on a California recovery home to avoid the opportunity to relapse.
You can, however, depend on a recovery home in California to extend your training and strengthen your abilities to live a healthy, happy life. The longer you stay sober, the easier it becomes. You should expect that-someday-you will be given the opportunity to drink or do drugs again. You should be prepared to make the right decision when that time comes, and a recovery home will help.
More Information about Axistreatment for visit: Sober Living California Recovery House California