An Online Directory That Simplifies Drug Rehabilitation Choices
As a public relations guy with a record label, I’ve had more than my share of exposure to drug and alcohol addictions. With a stable of rock stars under my management, I keep a half dozen proven rehab clinics on my rolodex. Despite all this background, however, nothing prepared me for the most heart wrenching experience of my life: finding out that my mother had become a drug addict.
By way of background, let me stress that my mother is the last person anyone would ever suspect of being a drug addict. My parents were typical middle class folks and my mom was exceptionally prim and proper. They were incredibly supportive of me through my childhood and paid for my four years at an Ivey League college. Mom was more than a little mortified when I graduated and immediately took a job with the record label, but much worse was yet to come. I once brought the lead singer of the KrewCutt Boyz to my parents place after he’d had too much to drink one too many times and the band abandoned him, passed out in our office. He stayed in their basement for a week until he’d sobered up. That’s right; I’d turned my parents’ home into a combination flophouse and Drug Rehab</a>. Mom never complained; she cooked him meals, did his laundry and packed him some sandwiches when he left.
Mom fell down the stairs last year while carrying a clothes hamper down to the laundry room. She tore several tendons and the doctor prescribed OxyContin to deal with the pain. I was utterly shocked when my father called me a few months ago to say that mom had been caught forging a renewal on her prescription. I stared at that rolodex, but nothing had prepared me for dealing with my own mother; none of these clinics was appropriate for her. The Yellow Pages had dozens of entries, but no information. Then I found a web site that serves as an online directory for alcohol and drug Rehabilitation centers. There were hundreds of clinics listed and instead of flailing around for days or weeks tracking down information, I was able to narrow the choices down quickly and found a facility only a few miles away that specialized in cases like Mom’s.
I’ve picked a few people up from the rehab after they’ve completed treatment, but I’ve never felt better about doing so than the day my mom was ready to resume her life.
Trent Jones is PR representative with a major record label and he has dealt with more than a few Drug Rehab episodes during his career. He recently wrote a feature that was published in several journals about his most emotionally trying experience: seeking a Drug Treatment Center for his own mother, who’d become addicted to painkillers. In the article, Trent speaks highly of the online directory that helped him find an effective solution to her problem.