Alcohol and Drug Abuse PSA: RCHS

Alcohol and Drug abuse PSA: RCHS
PSA for alcohol and drug abuse made by Richland Collegiate High School students.


'Well, good golly Miss Molly, you're rocking and rolling'
This connoisseur said he thought MDMA's price and effect make it more cost-effective and fun than cocaine, marijuana or alcohol. … He cited statistics from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, DAWN, as evidence that Molly's prevalence is overstated. Read more on The Auburn Plainsman

Creativity, Madness and Drugs
Evidence of the link between madness and creativity goes well beyond statistics—it is now possible to see this connection in the disturbed wiring of the human brain. Rex Jung and …. The toxic effects of alcohol on the brain are quite well recognized. Read more on Scientific American (blog)