Alcoholism Cure Foundation Fee Agreement Upheld in Court: Alcoholism Cure Foundation Won Its Full Claim Against a One Year Recovered Alcoholic in Duval County Court Defendant Admitted Treatment Permanently Cured Him Better Than Revia(R) or Campral(R)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (PRWEB) October 26, 2007

    The defendant reported the Foundation saved his marriage and his business as well. He had hoped to escape monthly payments on some technicality. His fees would have been equal to the cost of alcohol he no longer drinks. In court, all his fees were due today.

“Our nutraceutical alcoholism treatment programs have long term cure rates better than any prescription, Revia(R) or Campral(R),” Dr. Doug explained. “Unlike $ 30,000 clinics, with us, an alcoholic is cured before spending a few hundred dollars. If not cured, they owe nothing more. We count on them paying monthly after they stop drinking while we complete their cure, typically less than their former cost of drinking.”

“Too many of our members try to evade their financial obligations once we cure them, until the courts enforce their contract with us,” Dr. Doug said.

“Alcoholics drink to feel good! All other alcohol abuse treatments ignore this central truth. Counseling an alcoholic that feeling bad will make him feel good was the best old technology. Now, we can replace molecules lacking in the brain that cause cravings, a truly permanent cure, not one-day-at-a-time. Patented combinations of nutraceuticals, customized for each brain, produce near miraculous results.”

Alcoholism is the third leading cause of death, costing Americans $ 185 Billion a year according to FDA and National Institutes of Health. For additional information, visit

About Alcoholism Cure Foundation

Alcoholism Cure Foundation programs derive from basic research that produced withdrawal aid prescriptions Naltrexone (Revia(R)), and Acamprosate (Campral(R)). That research proved alcoholism is the lack of normal amounts of brain reward neurotransmitters, and certain natural ingredients provide them. Trademarks are exclusive property of their owners.

Underlying data is available for review by interested professional organizations. Alcoholism Cure Foundation will bear the expenses if conclusions of independent experts differ from those stated. Alcoholism Cure hopes to cement strategic relationships with larger organizations within the next 6 months.