Anyone Have Information on the Following Addictions?
Question by Malorie G: anyone have information on the following addictions?
does anyone have any information/statistics on the following addictions:
Sexual Intercourse
thanks so much. or if you have any personal experiances with any of this it would help me sooo much
Best answer:
Answer by caheera
porn is an addiction that costs them everything. Internet pornography use is on the rise at a fast pace: lost jobs, failed marriages, and destroyed families are the outcome. Everybody is vulnerable to this addiction.
Whether the motive for consuming pornography is sexual appetite, escape/self-medication, or any other reason, engaging in these addictions causes the brain and body to endogenously produce and release chemical drugs into its own system. These chemicals include: epinephrine (an adrenal gland hormone that “locks-in” memories of experiences occurring at times of high arousal), adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, norepinephrine and testosterone, among others. This drug is dragging millions of troubled victims along in its destructive wake.
Persistent accessing of porn not only provides the addict with sexual arousal, but offers a way to self-medicate in order to escape the realities of life. A porn addict will suffer withdrawal symptoms when they try-or are compelled-to relinquish their vice for any length of time. The withdrawal symptoms may drive an addict to find porn and often causes him to act out his needs in inappropriate ways.
Sex addicts engage in distorted thinking, often rationalizing and justifying their behavior and blaming others for problems. They generally deny they have a problem and make excuses for their actions.
Sexual addiction also is associated with risk-taking. A person with a sex addiction engages in various forms of sexual activity, despite the potential for negative and/or dangerous consequences. In addition to damaging the addict’s relationships and interfering with his or her work and social life, a sexual addiction also puts the person at risk for emotional and physical injury.
The act of spending money creates in some the same high that thrill seekers and risk takers experience. Risk takers put their lives on the line time and time again. Compulsive shoppers and spenders do a similar behaviour in that they put their financial reputation on the line. They are unaware that not all of society has the same patterns of spending. Buying for the sake of spending offers a sense of control and fantasy. Compulsion and obsession become behaviours that define addiction.
Spending is out of control. It becomes a thing of secrecy, moneys get borrowed, credit cards are maxed, bills go unpaid and lies get told. Shame and guilt become constant companions and fear of discovery haunts the addict at every turn. Often purchases are useless items and hidden, put away and never used.
Like other addictions, this one is no less critical in nature than other addictions. Remorse plays a large part in all addictions. Eating, sex, shopping and cyberism are things that must be dealt with so the individual can come to a point that normal living can be resumed. These activities are not things that can be stopped on a permanent basis; they are essential to life. Shopping is a necessary activity; it must be done in order to sustain life.
Through awareness of oneself and the reasoning behind our behaviours we are able to gently move ourselves back into healthy ways of living. Many people are reluctant to believe that such an addiction exists. Just ask the person who has claimed bankruptcy for the second time, the broken relationships due to an out of control spending/shopping problem
sorry i couldnt find anything on therapy :p
Answer by Jeffrey
– 12-17 age groups, mostly while doing homework. 90% of teens have viewed pornography online
– 70% of America is fat and this is being associated to food addiction
– 3-6% of the general population of US are sex addict
– 5% of Americans suffer from compulsive shopping
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