Can Someone Please Help Us With Cps Accusations?

Question by angel_for_u_00: can someone please help us with cps accusations?
my husband slipped on our hard wood floor and went backwards my daughter possibly hit her head on a door frame before going down and hitting it on the floor. CPS was called and the child abuse specialist doctor here at marybridge looked at her and said it seems consistent with an accident we already spoke with kitsap county sherriff please help me tell me what I need to do she will be 3 months on dec 8th all I want is for her to get well and not have to worry about the possibility of them taking her away when it was all an accident. This is frusterating because we never seem to get the same answer twice from them I am open to any suggestions. I just want her home and say and in my custody and not have to think about CPS and what they might think it looks like I am desperate for any help or medical documentations that anyone can provide you can also send them to my email [email protected] thank you all again…

Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose
your husband slipped and the child hit her head? You aren’t making alot of sense here.
Who called CPS?
If the doctor felt it was consistant with an accident, there should be no issue with CPS.
What are you not telling us here?

Answer by Nyema
Are you saying that your husband was holding your infant daughter when he slipped and fell with her? Well, if that is the case and it seems like you are saying the doctors are thinking that her injuries are consisitent with an accident, then the first poster is right, you should have nothing to worry about.

As a rule of thought, any time a child is brought to the emergency room, cps is called out to invetsigate any injuries. They just do it out of caution. If your story is straight and you really have nothing to hide, then you should be fine. Hopefully you don’t have a prior history with cps, it would help. But if they have already taken your daughter, then it is not much we can advise you here on yahoo answers, seems apparent that they didn’t buy your “accident” story.

I will advise you to get a lawyer immediately if they haven’t taken your daughter, but they are lurking around wanting to keep coming out to investigate. That usually means they are honing in on you and are zoning in for the kill. (meaning they are waiting around like vultures ready to have the least little reason to take your baby if they see fit) and if they haven’t got her aready.

Cps is a dirty, ruthless and corrupt agency to say the least. I have had more than my share of experience with these corrupt a$ $ holes and I have nothing good to say about them. No, I’m not some freak that was out here abusing my kids, then whining and crying when cps took them, No, I was a good, hardworking mother who had an underweight child, that was underweight at birth, but sent home with a clean bill of health, with no test ran to see if there were any probelms. Fast forward 2 years later and she’s still little, a pro-cps pediatrician sticks a failure to thrive diagnosis on her, calls cps in and paints a pic that looks like I’m not feeding my daughter properly, and wham, it’s been a nightmare ever since!

So be careful, cps lies and twist the truth to their advantage. They love taking the kids first and asking questions later. Also, they bank on you not being able to pay for your own attorney, and using the state provided public defender. Especially if this has gone or is going to court! (another ploy) because they know p.d.’s are usually over worked and over loaded with cases to provide your case with the best representation or a fair representation you will want.

Nine times out of ten, using a public defender, he or she will try to get you to enter a plea bargain and admit guilt (whether you are or not) that way, this eases their case load somewhat and they don’t have to deal with you as much. By then, if they manage to get you to do that, the judge will order parental classes, drug and alcohol screenings, and psychological testings.

While you are doing this, your kid is in foster care and the social worker assigned to your case is sitting back thinking of more hurdles for you to jump through while you are trying to prove your worthiness in getting your kid(s) back.

meanwhile, the foster parent is getting attached to you little one and is teaming up with the social worker to come up with every little thing they can to make sure it takes even longer for you to get your baby back, and that the baby stays in foster care a little longer.

I could go on and on, and I also understand that you may not have even reached this point yet, and hopefully you won’t! I also understand that this may or may not have happened to a lot of people and there situation may have been a whole lot better than mine, but the point is, it did happen and still is. I just thought I’d advise you the best I could to prevent it if it haven’t yet. but good luck anyway.


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