Choosing the Right Rehab

Substance abuse rehabilitation, also known as drug rehabilitation, is the common term used for the medical, psychological and therapeutic treatment for drug dependency. Substance abuse rehabilitation can be used to combat and cure almost any type of dependency, chief among them being alcohol, controlled drugs, nicotine and other prescription drugs. Controlled substances, alcohol and drugs dependency can be visible in almost any person, however there are some strata of society in which drugs dependency is more evident.

Perhaps the most common type of substance abuse is nicotine and alcohol. However, not many people dependent on alcohol or nicotine accept their dependency, and take a lot of time to actually go into rehabilitation.

Clearbrook Treatment Centers : The best Pennsylvania In-patient Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment Center, Adolescent Drug Rehab & Teen Drug Abuse Center in the Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, St Louis and Chicago areas : A proven 28 Day Treatment Program in our in-patient drug & alcohol abuse treatment center.

Since 1972, the renowned Clearbrook Treatment Centers have been providing effective treatment programs for adults and adolescents who suffer from alcoholism and/or chemical dependency. Clearbrook’s rehabilitation program is based upon the belief that alcoholism and chemical dependency is a primary disease and that the suffering addict and his or her family members deserve immediate help.

Following an entry interview, medical exam and data gathered from family and referral sources, an individual initial treatment plan is executed during the first three days of therapy. A more comprehensive ongoing plan is developed during the next seven-day period.