(DAY 1 AGAIN) HOW ? the FIGHT to QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES! – Chantix, Zyban, Nicotine Patches, Gum
10-12-09: PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH US, TO HELP US ALL in the battle to QUIT SMOKING these cigarettes. Thank You I had to stop take Chantix on Day five due to a weird depression type feeling WHILE I WAS STILL SMOKING! So I quit smoking with nicotine patches and gum, and started smoking again. 7-30-09 UPDATE: It lasted about 5 days, and I ended up smoking agian. As in the video I am on Day 1 and using Zyban, and nictonine supplents Message to Christians: I have read and heard so many Christians feeling so much quilt because they are smoking, and can’t seem to quit. First of all – NO ONE should be feeling guilty of trying to quit an addiction because YOU want to. I have seen way to much legalism in Religion and Churches, condemning those who smoke and that is straight out UN-BIBLICAL period. If someone or organization is telling you that you have to quit smoking to do this or that, or get closer to God…run from the lie and hit your knees and just pray to Jesus Christ. It is the personal 1 on 1 relationship which will help you! You can not get wrapped up in any type of legalism what so ever! NEVER quit smoking if your not ready, regardless what others may say! God is not looking down on you with a whip. I have been walking with Jesus Christ for 5-1/2 years now, and He helped rid me of so many drug and alcohol addictions. Now God just gently tugged on my heart and asking me if I would quit now… So bottom line – Christianity is NOT legalism. There are brothers out …
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