Desert Oasis Recovery Drug, Alcohol and Gambling Treatment Center Announces Launch of New Compulsive Gambling Addiction Treatment Program
Albuquerque, NM (Vocus) June 1, 2009
Desert Oasis Recovery, a New Mexico in-patient drug and alcohol treatment center, one of only two privately run drug, alcohol and gambling addiction treatment centers in the State of New Mexico, has decided to take on the “hidden” disease of compulsive gambling addiction head-on by offering a Compulsive Gambling Treatment Program on an on-going basis within their treatment center.
Desert Oasis Recovery Executive Director Tami Pacheco states, “There are upwards of 10 gambling casinos in New Mexico and dozens more around the country. The growth of people in New Mexico with a compulsive gambling addiction has increased dramatically. Compulsive gambling is very destructive to the addicted individual’s life and for the person’s family. Much like drug addiction people with compulsive gambling addictions often make very, very poor choices that can jeopardize the individual and his or her family. Compulsive gambling addicts quite often lose their job, home, and family. Compulsive gambling is technically not an addiction. Gambling addiction is an impulse-control disorder which according the Mayo Clinic, is a disorder that causes to have the inability to resist a temptation or drive to perform an action that is bad for you or someone else. We fully recognize the destructive force of gambling addiction and the need for addiction treatment.”
Desert Oasis Recovery utilizes a structured daily regimented schedule. Using a combined method of scheduled daily living and intensive individual and group therapy sessions Desert Oasis Recovery targets the addiction by setting and following full and intensely active days involving therapeutic activities from 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.. Individual attention is given with daily therapy sessions, both group and individual, and meetings with gambling addiction groups. States Executive Director Tami Pacheco, “Our treatment program for gambling addiction is structured so that our clients are taught a broad range of effective skills inclusive of mind, body and soul, which they can then take and apply to their lives once they complete our treatment program.”
While an individual client is completing their inpatient gambling addiction treatment program they also work together with the therapist staff of Desert Oasis Recovery to develop a self-care plan that they will use and follow once they have completed their inpatient program. The self-care follow up plan sets the foundation for each client inclusive of an outpatient therapist and a 12-step program they have to follow with Gamblers Anonymous.
States Desert Oasis Recovery Executive Director Tami Pacheco, “Gambling and gaming casinos in the United States are not going to go away because they are big business and they provide a lot of jobs. In turn neither is the destructive force of compulsive gambling addiction. People need help and sometimes it takes a family member or good friend to step in and help their loved one face the facts and acknowledge that they have a huge problem that they need to do something about. We are right in the heart of New Mexico, but we can help people from anywhere. We are literally only a plane flight away from help and recovery.”
About Desert Oasis Recovery
Desert Oasis Recovery is a New Mexico In-patient alcohol, drug, and gambling treatment center. Our staff is made up of people who genuinely care and take extreme pride in providing the best help for chemical dependency, alcohol addiction, and other addictions such as gambling.
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