Drug Abuse: Agency Offers Education, Prevention

Agency offers education, prevention
Filed under: Drug Abuse

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of South Louisiana is a nonprofit community-based agency that provides prevention, education, referrals, assessments and conflict-resolution services related to addictions and awareness involving alcohol, drug abuse and nicotine.


Behind The Orange Curtain – Official Trailer – February 14, 2012

Behind the Orange Curtain is a documentary that will delve into the staggering problem of teenage Rx drug abuse in one of the most affluent counties in the country. Young, privileged teenagers are dying of drug overdoses in record numbers in Orange County, California. In particular prosperous cities like Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. This documentary film will set out to ask the question…..why? Many of these tragic deaths are from pain medication drugs like: Opana, OxyContin and Hydrocodone. Who are the doctors that are giving these teenagers the lethal prescriptions? Why? We want to find an honest, objective answer. The teen years are challenging for both teenagers and parents. Is it harder these days with the online bullying and social networks? Is it peer pressure? Low self esteem? Do kids turn to drugs to solve their problems? Is it easier to find drugs if you have money? Do “rich kids” have more temptation? These are questions we want to address and try and answer or at least shine a light on. www.behindtheorangecurtain.net