Drug Abuse: Drug Abuse, Trafficking in Kenyatta’s Crosshairs – Sabahi Online

Drug abuse, trafficking in Kenyatta’s crosshairs – Sabahi Online
Filed under: Drug Abuse

Sabahi Online

Drug abuse, trafficking in Kenyatta's crosshairs
Sabahi Online
He called on law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders such as the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), the ministries of health and education, and county governments to work together to eradicate the use 



Canada Day bomb plot ‘inspired’ by Boston, Al Qaeda or drug abuse? (VIDEO) – GlobalPost
Filed under: Drug Abuse

Canada Day bomb plot 'inspired' by Boston, Al Qaeda or drug abuse? (VIDEO)
Nuttall's brother died from a roadside bomb blast while serving the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan five years ago, but he also has a lengthy criminal record for drug and property offences. Court records from 2003 called him a reformed “hard-core” 

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