Drug Addiction Help

Got Prescription Drugs? National Drug Take Back Day Returns Saturday in Mobile

Got prescription drugs? National Drug Take Back Day returns Saturday in Mobile
MOBILE, Alabama — Local law enforcement agencies are encouraging the public to participate in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 26, in an effort to prevent pill abuse and theft of expired, unused and unwanted prescription …
Read more on al.com (blog)

Outdated or unused pills accepted today
Authorities said during the seven previous Prescription Drug… Continue reading

Drug Addiction?

Question by ebizartistry: Drug addiction?
Why is “Demand Reduction” an elemental part of eliminating the drug problem?

Best answer:

Answer by Scuba Steve
if there’s no demand for a drug
the drug problem will not exist
because nobody will be buying it

all drugs or only problems because there are always people that will use them
lower or eliminate the demand, and the problem disapeers

Answer by Irene G
A drug addict is… Continue reading

How Do I Find in Patient Help for Drug Addiction in Tennessee?

Question by stephaniebraswell: how do i find in patient help for drug addiction in tennessee?
i am currently on i.v dilaudid and have no insurance. is yhere any where for me to get help with out insurance?

Best answer:

Answer by dwinbaycity
Squeaky doors get oiled, in other words go to your local human resource office, hospital, health dept.,etc.. and express your true desires to cure your addictions. There are many resources. I have kicked… Continue reading

Internet May Help Seniors Avoid Depression

Internet may help seniors avoid depression
But what's the most effective way for older people to use the Internet to reach out to others? The study doesn't shed light on that question since the surveys didn't ask how participants used the Internet. It's not clear whether email — or using …
Read more on MyFox Austin

Around Town: April 25, 2014
Preschool storytime has grown so large it can now be found 10:30 to 11… Continue reading

Drug Addicts: Los Angeles Recovery Network Can Help You

Drug addicts: Los Angeles recovery network can help you — Do you have a , prescription medication or addiction? Are you ready to find freedom from this affliction? Drug addicts in Los Angeles- begin your recovery in…

Recovering addict Melanie Griffith flies into LA after inspirational speech at
On Thursday Melanie Griffith flew into Los Angeles after speaking at the National RX Drug Abuse Summit, a three-day event at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in… Continue reading

Self Abuse Hotlines if There Are Any?

Question by slevgirl123: self abuse hotlines if there are any?
Hey so i’ve been using self abuse for a few weeks now and I don’t think anything is wrong with that but I want to have a hot line where I can call when I feel like crap and am cutting my self if there is a hot line for this can you give it to me please don’t tell me to go to my… Continue reading