Drug Addiction Help

Appointment Book

Appointment Book
Learn some tips for breaking the ice and setting the stage for meaningful and productive conversations about dementia. There is no cost to … Learn to recognize the signs of drug abuse and get your loved ones help if they are at risk. Narconon also …
Read more on GoErie.com

Koback column: Tips to initiating a drug-free workplace
The Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and… Continue reading

Assembly Passes Bill to Expand City Needle Exchange

Assembly passes bill to expand city needle exchange
The General Assembly passed legislation Monday night allowing Baltimore to distribute an unlimited number of syringes to drug addicts in Baltimore in the hope that access to clean needles will help curb the spread of AIDS. The 40-7 Senate vote sends …
Read more on Baltimore Sun

Disadvantaged urban youth may be more likely to be problem gamblers
Betting on dice on the streets of Baltimore or… Continue reading

Alcohol Treatment Collin County Call 215-600-2793 for Help Now TX

Alcohol Treatment Collin County Call 215-600-2793 For Help Now TX — http://www.narcononcolorado.org Alcohol Treatment Collin County Call 214-516-7507 For Help Now TX. If you are looking for Drug Detox Collin County TX, Drug T…

Parents Warn About Synthetic Drug Use in Collin County
Grace Raulston, a substance abuse counselor at the Collin County Substance Abuse Program, told NBC 5 the prevalence of the synthetic drug has grown enormously over the past five years. Today, she… Continue reading

Drinking Alcohol After Taking Valium…?

Question by om shanti: drinking alcohol after taking valium…?
I have recently developed a habit of taking 5-10mg of Diazepam (Valium), then drinking a few glasses of wine. I like the way it makes me feel and it lets me “escape” from everything I have been dealing with lately. But I am now having the desire to increase it. I’ve been told that mixing alcohol with other depressants (i’m also on Prozac) is dangerous, but… Continue reading

Any Support Group for Abuse Survivors?

Question by Ocean: Any support group for abuse survivors?
I was emotionally abused as a child by my parents, non sexual, now adult. I’m still seeing my parents frequently. I’ve been going for counselling for about 15 sessions now. It all went well until now when I’m having a relapse and so tempted to reset everything back when the family around me are not supportive. Do you know of any support group… Continue reading

Why Do People Abuse Tramadol?

Question by Monica A: Why do people abuse Tramadol?

Best answer:

Answer by Crazeddoglady
Why do people abuse alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and every prescription pain drug available? Because they can. Addictive personalities must be monitored whenever they are prescribed serious pain meds. Unfortunately many of our doctors are less than enthusiastic about doing this. In fact, a small number of doctors are willing to continue to prescribe through greed (if you pay them… Continue reading