Drug Addiction: Since the Blood of Jesus Cleanses From All Sin, How Can One Claim Christianity Who Still Lives in Sin Without?
Question by Lovin’ Mary’s Lamb: Since the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin, how can one claim Christianity who still lives in sin without?
change? Drugs, prositution, stealing, lying, fornication, homosexuality and more; there are testimonies of lives being changed completely in these areas of what modern society has destigmatized sin to call “behavioral addictions”, “problems”, “mistakes”. Christians, what does the Bible say about being new creatures in Christ Jesus and the old man passing away? What do you think when someone claims to be a Christian who has not experienced a life change nor forsaken their sins of the past since they are still in the present tense?
Best answer:
Answer by dr_probo
Since nobody perfect, but god will make it beautiful in his time, just be faithful and wait.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Drug Addiction: My Personal Battle with Oxycontin Drug Addiction 1
www.FreeFromHell.com Hey everyone! In this series of videos, I will be sharing my personal story with you. From rehab onward. You will meet the secondary characters of my story that influenced my life and help me remain clean and sober. This story is 100% REAL. The point of sharing is for someone to hopefully gain something or even seek treatment!
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