What Are Good Ways to Get Over Drug Addiction? PLEASE HELP!?
Question by : What are good ways to get over drug addiction? PLEASE HELP!?
I’m 14, and I’m addicted to the high of marijuana, I’m addicted to getting drunk and smoking tobacco/nicotine. I don’t want to do drugs anymore, PLEASE HELP!
Best answer:
Answer by Astaro User Bulletin
Talk to your doctor. He/she will keep everything confidential as you recieve help.
Answer by Michael Baugh
Your body doesn’t make enough endorphins, and so… Continue reading
Tutorial for Week 10’s Drug Therapy Worksheet
Tutorial for Week 10’s Drug Therapy Worksheet —
11-year-old's suicide attempt part of epidemic
At age 10, she went to live with her mother, then back with her grandmother, then she said her stepfather sexually abused her. She said she reported her stepfather to police, but he wasn't charged because of lack of evidence. The situation depressed …
Read more on First Coast News
Alliance for Integrity Analysis Questions 340B Hospitals' Charity Care
prescription drugs… Continue reading
Boyfriend Has Alcohol Problem, He’s Not an Alcoholic (Yet)…?
Question by fairymill1: Boyfriend has alcohol problem, he’s not an Alcoholic (yet)…?
… and I would like him to watch a film where the character has an alcohol problem, and it develops into Alcoholism, so he can see how easily it can develop, and hopefully make him realise he needs to do something about it before it gets bad.
Can anyone suggest any feature films where the story is like this?
Many Thanks.
Best answer:… Continue reading
RI Outlines Plan to Deal With Drug Overdose Epidemic
RI outlines plan to deal with drug overdose epidemic
She became addicted to prescription pain medication after hurting her back as a 14 year old. "Fourteen years old, I was a great kid. I was in SADD. They called me 'hugs not drugs' girl, and at 15 I was a full-blown drug addict and 16, I was in rehab …
Read more on Turn to 10
Former UK drugs advisor to speak… Continue reading
Where Can I Go for Free Treatment for My Drug Addiction?
Question by tpmike2004: Where can I go for free treatment for my drug addiction?
I have been addicted to cocaine for 5 months now and I need to go to someone for help. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Debbie2243
call the hospital
Answer by 3-selin
the state or your City
Outreach worker offers free testing and help to drug users
Jimmy Rhodes, a health outreach worker for the Humboldt County Department of… Continue reading
Live Chat: Kiwis and Prescription Drugs
Live chat: Kiwis and prescription drugs
The National Association of Opioid Treatment Providers co-chairman Jeremy McMinn believes the emergence of drugs such as those identified in the survey is a huge problem. He joins us today to discuss the survey's findings and answer your questions.
Read more on The Press
Marijuana smokers can end up in the big house or the White House. Chat with …
Those laws may be ruining… Continue reading