Even Casual Marijuana Use Can Alter the Brain, New Study Shows
Even casual marijuana use can alter the brain, new study shows
The participants who did not use the drug had not smoked marijuana in the past year and had only ever used it five times or less, according to the study. In the marijuana subjects, the parts of the brain that regulate emotion (the amygdala) and …
Read more on Chicago Sun-Times
Study finds brain changes in young marijuana users
These changes, Gilman said,… Continue reading
Panel Discusses Addiction, Opiate Abuse, and Hope in Sharon
Panel discusses addiction, opiate abuse, and hope in Sharon
By Paula Vogler. [email protected]. SHARON – Viewing herself as a little girl from Sharon, a cheerleader who did well in school, Mia O'Neil, a recent Sharon High School graduate, described in detail a life that spiraled out of control. Her drug …
Read more on Wicked Local Sharon
Vortex of Violence: US wealth, mental health, drugs and internet guns
According to the World Health Organization,… Continue reading
Drug Addiction..?
Question by aangsumanc: Drug addiction..?
Have anyone here been addicted to drugs like heroine, myth etc..
what affects most out of it..
Best answer:
Answer by Psychedelic Enlightenment III
I stear clear of herion. I have known people who have become hooked on H…it isnt pretty. It controls your life, everything yuo do revolves around it. If you dont get help you will end up in jail, dead, or back in rehab. Recovering… Continue reading
Handling Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Handling Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Although 87.5% reported that they had a written drugs and alcohol policy in place, and a huge 95% claimed to have a zero tolerance approach to employees under the influence of drugs, a high proportion indicated that they would struggle to enforce their …
Read more on Fresh Business Thinking
Workplace drug tests won't catch all drug addictions
Overall drug use in the workplace continues to drop, according… Continue reading
Drug–addicted Health Workers Pose a Risk
Drug–addicted health workers pose a risk
More than 100,000 doctors, nurses, technicians and other health professionals across the country struggle with drug abuse or addiction, according to a USA Today examination of government data. Often falling victim to narcotics these practitioners …
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Official: Recovering drug addicts should speak up
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — The president's top adviser on drug policy urged those recovering from drug addiction to… Continue reading