Alice Cooper Talks Super Duper New Documentary, Recalls Conquering His …
Alice Cooper Talks Super Duper New Documentary, Recalls Conquering His …
The movie also examines Cooper's struggles with alcohol and drug abuse during the 1970s and early '80s, and his reemergence as a clean-and-sober elder rock statesman. Super Duper Alice Cooper combines … Cooper tells ABC News Radio that he loved the …
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A history of violence
In the days and years that followed, Raine… Continue reading
What Is Drug of Abuse?
Question by franzel: what is drug of abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by deogee
Drug abuse is taking any medication, prescriptions or non presciption drugs , or illegal drugs more than prescibed by your Doctor. Or just plain doing illegal drugs period. Taking more of anything in excess…..
Answer by lily29
Any substance that is used for something other than what it is designed for; in this country it has to be prescribed to… Continue reading
Dr. Phil Recap: Drug-Abusing Teen Persuaded to Give Center for Discovery a …
Dr. Phil Recap: Drug-Abusing Teen Persuaded to Give Center for Discovery a …
Dr. Phil tells us that Brianna thinks, “So what? I'm not using major drugs.” Brianna doesn't understand why her mom “is making such a big deal out of her admitted use of Xanax, Molly, PCP, heroin and alcohol.” A woman in the audience is upset and …
Read more on Nerdles
What your coffee does to you
Cederquist has appeared… Continue reading
Meds, Lack of Oversight Put Emphasis on Survival
Meds, lack of oversight put emphasis on survival
"Zoloft, Zyprexa, Trazodone, a lot of stuff I couldn't even pronounce," she says. "I was depressed. I hated my life. … As a little girl, Macklin was physically abused by her father, who had a drug addiction and would disappear for days. She spent …
Read more on The Denver Post
New thinking on brain-science therapies could help foster kids
Therapies based on brain science — and… Continue reading
Palm Partners Delray Beach Review: Matthew
Palm Partners Delray Beach Review: Matthew — This video features insight into Palm Partners Treatment Center in Delray Beach Florida, © 2012 Palm Partners. Matthew’s Testimonial:…
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