Drug and Alcohol Questions?
What are CA’s laws concerning the purchase and use of alcoholic beverages?
How can our laws be changed to help solve the problem of teenage use of alcohol?
Define dangerus drug. What are their effects on users?
There are arguments about if marijuana is a dangerous drug or not. What is your opinion. Why?
Do the laws of CA consider marijuana a dangerous drug?
What do the laws in CA say about charges brought upon users & sellers,and the quantities of drugs in a person’s possesion?
What do the laws in CA say about the differences between users & sellers?
What are the maximum penalties for possession of various dangerous drugs?
What provision is made for attempted rehabilitation of drug users?
If police stop a car for traffic violation & see drugs in the car, can they make a drug arrest?
If you are at a party where drugs are, but are not using any, & there’s a drug bust, what is your legal situation?
What law violations are often associated with drug usage?