Horrible Panic Attack….?
Question by Lovin’ Life xox: Horrible Panic Attack….?
I’ve suffered from panic attacks on and off for the past four years.. At one point they were so bad I sought out a doctor for help, he prescribed me an anti-anxiety medication called Paxil I eventually stopped using it due to this side effect I’d get from the drug, I’d describe it as “zaps” I’d feel run through my body. Anyway, I haven’t suffered from any… Continue reading
Feeling Strange Lately, Derealization?
Question by Stanleyscg: feeling strange lately, derealization?
a few days ago i had a sudden panic attack that the objects and people around me were not real and that I was imagining them, ever since then I’ve been feeling very anxious and wondering if people and things around me are real or if im just imagining it. it seems like im the only on on earth and everyone and everything els is just pretend, part… Continue reading
Not Able to Sleep. Stress Maybe?
Question by tehgamerguy: Not able to sleep. Stress maybe?
I haven’t been able to sleep in the last few days, I believe it is stress, sadly my divorced parents are arguing again and all this stuff. Anyways, I have tried counting, that stress thing where you tense up and relax after, breathing, sleeping in total darkness, music, rain sounds, and just laying there, sometimes for hours until I realize its not helping. I can’t take… Continue reading
Cutting/Self Harming Help?
Question by deadgirldrklvr: Cutting/Self harming help?
Before you start off with anything that is like a lecture or telling me that i should never do this i am not asking for your help that way. i am asking for help because i need to slow up on it. I would like to stop but that at this point is not an option, ya i know what you are thinking, “you can always stop its just… Continue reading
What Should One Eat if They Have Chronic Hep C? What Should One Eat and Not Eat? What Should One Drink?
Question by Alexis: what should one eat if they have chronic Hep C? What should one eat and not eat? What should one drink?
and not drink? Can one eat right, drink right and exercises right and avoid treatments such as Interferon, and riboflavin?
My hair seems thinner does hep c cause hair loss? I’m not talking about the hep c treatment making hair come out! I’m asking if Hep C by itself causes hair… Continue reading
For People Who Need a Quick House Sale!
For People Who Need A Quick House Sale!
Here are some useful tips and personal experiences that can help people who need a quick house sale, from http://www.fasthousesales.com.au/