Drug Rehab: One Big Warning Sign of a Rip-Off Drug Rehab
Thankfully, the vast majority of drug rehabs are run by committed professionals, and although they exit to make a profit, are run with concern for the welfare and long term sobriety of participants. Unfortunately, there are enough substandard (rip-off) rehabs out there that you do need to do your research before committing your time, energy and hope to a rehab that offers you less than you are paying for.
One of the largest influencing factors on long term sobriety is aftercare therapy, and the degree of aftercare therapy as offered in a rehab is an important factor for consideration. Most rehabs will allow for some residents to stay residing within the facility even after graduation from the program, employed as therapeutic advisors.
These resident graduates benefit from free room and board, continuing access to the therapies of rehab, and generally a nominal salary, and in return they help out with the recovery of newly admitted patients, offering their experience and authority of successful sobriety as inspiration and guidance to the newly sober.
These programs generally operate to the benefit of all parties involved, and most better rehabs will maintain a few recovering addicts in recovery within their larger programs of therapy.
But although these resident graduates do offer guidance and inspiration, and they do offer the authority of a period of successful sobriety from addiction, they are not professional therapists, and they should never be used as a substitute for these committed and experienced professionals.
Not a substitute fro professionals
Obviously, it costs a rehab far less to employ a resident graduate to run group peer sessions and offer educational seminars and therapies, but those rehabs that do use these resident advisors almost exclusively do a disservice to those n recovery, and these recovering addicts, no mater how long their period of successful sobriety, cannot and should not be a substitute for trained medical and addictions professionals.
When inquiring about and evaluating rehabs, you should ask about programs of resident graduates. These people speak the truth of experience, and their wisdom and guidance can be invaluable. You should also ask what types of professionals are employed within the facility, and inquires as to who specifically will be running the therapeutic programs.
You may want to consider becoming a resident advisor after your rehab graduation, and y by continuing participation you gain the best chance at long term sobriety, and as well assist those new to recovery in their early battles; but you should never consider a rehab that operates using these graduates as a substitute for actual professionals.
Although people often feel pressure to get into rehab quickly after the decision is made, and this is of course a wise impulse, the realities of the drug rehab business demand that you do some initial research and consideration to ensure that you choose a facility offering quality care, and well suited to your needs.
Learn how to stay sober after rehab Choosehelp Aftercare
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