Drug Rehab – Perhaps Drug Rehab Slipped Her Mind?

An Australian Member of Parliament has removed the children of drug addicts as permanently from their parents and offered for adoption. Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop wants to see adopted, but as a promotion, for the separation of children from parents who are fighting addiction. Excuse me, but has completely forgotten about the honorary member of the successful drug rehab programs?

Ms Bishop, who currently chairs an Australian parliamentary inquiry intothe impact of illicit drug use on families, said four of the Australian Broadcasting Company’s Corners program that the current system to the needs of drug difficulties with parents and their children. She said there are hundreds of parents who are desperate to adopt children and give them love and good homes, but “it is the” first principle of biology. “- Drug rehab

By ignoring that can be a successful drug rehab to keep a family together, and threw”The first principle of biology” in the trash heap of points, Mrs. Bishop, both the best breakthroughs in the science of drug rehab, but also as one of the most primitive urges of human history and experience – the need for their own biological parents and children.- Drug rehab

Ms Bishop’s critics were quick to speak. Brisbane Youth Service spokeswoman Amanda Davies said there was no evidence that all people who use drugs to parents, not in a position their children. AndQueensland Council of Social Service president Karyn Walsh said, there are strong indications that forced relocations cause long term harm children. “You can not just go removing children simply because their parents have a drug addiction,” she said. “Children need to know their parents, and not all parents are bad parents, a drug, or incapable of parenting.”

Victorian Child Safety Commissioner Bernie Geary put it best when he said: “There is nothing inIn my experience, worse than a child who is sentenced without their parents for the rest of their lives. Children do better with the families over the long term. ” READ MORE http://www.drugrehab.pannipa.com/2009/09/perhaps-drug-rehab-slipped-her-mind/