Flagyl and Alcohol Question?

Question by VT4ever: Flagyl and alcohol question?
I know you are not suppose to have it at all and I haven’t. I hardly drink alcohol anyway but what if you where around it and smelt it or if it touched your skin? Like rubbing alcohol was used around me and i was breathing in the same area is that going to harm me or is it just when you drink it. I am on it for 14 days. I am concerned. Thank you!
I know I am a hypochondriac but I seriously freak out over stuff like this.

Best answer:

Answer by bobangmd
NO drug-drug interaction since you dint ingest the alcohol, it will only happen if the two substance where mixed together inside your body so you dont have to worry :)

Answer by over the hill
I am sure the problem is only if you drink alcohol in combination with FLagyl

” Interaction with alcohol

Consuming ethanol (alcohol) while using metronidazole has long been thought to have a disulfiram-like reaction with effects that can include nausea, vomiting, flushing of the skin, tachycardia (accelerated heart rate), and shortness of breath

Consumption of alcohol should be avoided by patients during systemic metronidazole therapy and for at least 48 hours after completion of treatment.”