Former Heroin Addict Helps Others Find Drug Rehabilitation and a Way Out of Their Misery

What’s Up
July 22 oAt the library: The Evesham Branch Library will offer a program entitled “Long Term Care Planning” with Gina Swetra and Joe Tortis from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 984 Tuckerton Road. To register, call (856) 344-4044.

Read more on Medford Central Record

A Place for Women To Heal
Half-sisters have a vision for a recovery program Half-sisters Phyllis Ariss and Becky Schlegelmilch know the dark and desperate feelings experienced by abused women. They’ve been there — and back — and they want to use the wisdom . . .

Read more on Albuquerque Journal

Former Heroin Addict Helps Others Find Drug Rehabilitation and a Way Out of Their Misery
The Way Out Recovery’s placement and referral services are now available to the public, making it much easier for addicts and their family members to find the drug rehabilitation that is right for them. This free service is available at and was created by Michael Smith, who found a way out of his addiction over seven years ago.

Read more on PRWeb via Yahoo! News