Free Drug Rehab-Five Winning Tips of Avoiding Relapse

Are you aware that there are many free drug rehab facilities? Addicts must go through them in order to lead a sober life. This often goes hand in hand with a mental illness known as depression. Low self-esteem and uncontrollable crying generally accompanied by depression can be connected to drug abuse and alcoholism.

When you have finished your free drug rehab, it is important that you have recovered from depression as well as your addiction. Depression is the leading cause of relapse and your biggest enemy when it comes to living sober. Generally, a depression relapse occurs because the underlying root cause of it has not been discovered or treated.

Five Tips of Avoiding Relapse

1. Education

First, you must understand the disorder and then know yourself well enough to find the cause of your illness. A little research can help you do this. There is no reason to fear depression; it is simply an imbalance of chemicals in your brain in most cases. These imbalances cause depression and if left untreated can severely affect your personality.

Getting a fresh perspective on depression and recognizing it for the disease that it is will help. You will be more inclined to seek free rehab for a condition you know can be treated.

2. Hate Relapse

Do not let the idea of relapse even cross your mind while in a free rehab. You have been through the fire so to speak and you do not want to go through it again. If you do experience short relapses try to learn why they are happening as well as why you were depressed in the beginning.

It can be a struggle but you do not want to let depression rule your life. Pay attention to events that tend to trigger a depressed mood, so that if you do have a relapse you will know how to deal with it quickly.

3. No Isolation

Do not go it alone while in a free rehab. Isolation tends to encourage depression, which your therapist should have explained to you. Sitting alone going over and over worries, concerns or even just your thoughts is not a good idea. Talk to family, friends or loved ones when you feel depression coming on.

4. Stop Negativity

Probably you have heard that your attitude determines your success? This is exactly why you have to avoid negative thoughts while in a free rehab. They will only bring you down and could cause a relapse. Focus on positive ideas, feelings and thoughts. When things go bad you should try to look at them as challenges, nothing more. Negative emotion and thoughts will likely trigger a relapse.

5. Coping Skills

If you have begun taking anti-depressants, then you should use them as directed by the doctor or professionals of a free rehab. Never just, quit a prescription medication because you are suddenly feeling better. Should you find that the drugs are no longer working or they are having side effects, then you should call your doctor.

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