How Can I Fight Against My ADD or ADHD?

Question by Thomas: How can I fight against my ADD or ADHD?
Im sorry I cant tell you which one, I mean sometimes I feel as though I am not getting stimuli from anything, and sometimes I feel I am recieving stimuli from everything. I am on and have been on concerta for years…..but if there is anyway to make the situation better that would help.

Best answer:

Answer by Destiny
tell someone so youu can go on meds n make everythin betterr [:

Answer by Christian (.Minister.)
Psychiatrists claim that a person needs a drug to combat their chemical imbalance in the brain which is causing a persons mental disorder. However, the concept that a brain-based, chemical imbalance underlies mental illness is false. As with all of psychiatric disease models, it has been thoroughly discredited by researchers. -Quakery exposed. Please dont waste your time with labels and so called disorders. They dont exist.

“They vote on disorders and then they become diseases” ” Its total fraud” — Dr. Fred Baughman Neurologist

Turns out many people/parents are abusers. They are not trying to help you at all. They are tricking you. This goes for people at school as well. Words are abuse also, and bullies/parents abuse/ignoring can make children grow up with all types of so called mental Illnesses or turn them into abusers. They are hurt and pass it on.

Jesus name is needed for healing with forgiveness.

God wants you to know truth, forgive, and get away from them. Read many many sites under “emotional abuse” and “dealing with bullies”.

Experience with people feeling better repeatedly without pills –Talk to me. I have some questions for you.