I Need the Opinion of a 20 Year Old Male!?

Question by radarreally: I need the opinion of a 20 year old male!?
My son is 20 years old- Very bright but very cocky and rebellious- He was caught with drugs, went to rehab- but seems to just like that “cool, get high lifestyle! He wants to play the role of a “Hippy” ! He is not abused , or ill, or depressed, – and he comes from a normal family-he just doesn’t want to take responsibility for himself- grow up and be a man! He wants to live at home for free , do drugs for fun, and treat his Mom and family as if they are the out-casts that do not understand him!! He was not always like this! It just seemed to happen over a preiod of 2 years??
His Dad made him leave home after I tried to slap his face for swearing at me and he grabbed my arm and nearly broke it.
But I am so afraid for him!! He doesn’t think he has a problem, so how can he get help — or help himself?? He blames me (his Mom) for everything! I was the one who always treated him better than anyone else! I still love him!
Should I let him come home? I am his mother no matter what-, maybe its my fault ??
What would you do if I were your Mom??
Please help- I do not think i could live with the guilt if something happened to him !
Ps. I am allowing a close friend to use my acct. here -to ask this question- she is a co-worker and in desperate-need! Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Gay and Proud of it
i know you asked for the opinion of a 20 year old male but i am a 20 year old gay woman which is about the same thing. also i know alot about this kind of thing, i used to get in alot of trouble like that in high school and it doesnt matter how good you are to him, as the parent you are always to blaim. the best thing for him is an intervention and rehab

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