In Psych Wards, Why Do Nurses Assume You’re a Drug Addict?
Question by John: In psych wards, why do nurses assume you’re a drug addict?
me: Can i have an ambien to go to sleep?
jamican nurse (jn): ya had one yesterday!
me: i know, i need one tonight too. check my chart, doc approved it.
jn: i gots ta check wit da doctor! go to ya roooom!
*2 hours later*
jn: *frowning* ya want a cup of water with it?
me: *smiling* yes please. so the doctor said yes huh?
jn: just drink up! don’t got no time to arguuue!
Best answer:
Answer by Lord of the View
Ambien is a highly addictive pill, and many mental illnesses present with addiction or vice versa.
Answer by ?
I was never accused and no one ever assumed I was a drug addict. I remember one time when I was hospitalised for being manic and one of the nurses thought I had taken something. But ot be honest the nurses do not really no that much so I never listened to any of them. Psychiatrist and therapist are the ones who matter.
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