KATZ: A Prescription for Dealing With the Promise, Peril of Painkillers

Our view: Battling addiction
Help for addicts who want to change can save money and lives.

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Headline did not tell proper story – LETTER
Your headline “Probation for nurse” (North Bay Nugget, June 30) presents addiction in a way meant to sell newspapers, not in a way reflective of the truth of this disease.[…]

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KATZ: A prescription for dealing with the promise, peril of painkillers
There has long been recognition in the United States that clinicians tend to under-treat serious, and especially chronic pain. This problem tends to become most recognizable when the source of pain is objective, such as cancer, and when concerns about consequences of pain medication use, such as addiction, are most questionable, if not downright silly. When someone is likely to live for only …

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