My Husband Is in a 9month Rehab Center?

My husband is in rehab we have a 5month old babygirl and I am so confused about many things that have happened in our marriage. I have been by his side all the time, his family only supports when they want. He tells me that he has changed, and he even admitted to me infront of his pastor/counselor that he now understand all the pain he cause me by choosing alcohol/drugs.When there was a problem or discussion(nothing physical) instead of him sitting and talking about it face to face with me he would walk out buy beer and hide some and drink. He calls me everyday,when he called me i brought up some thing that I didnt agree with, and he got mad hung up and hasnt called me in 2days. Everything is good as long as he isnt contradicted/corrected. I know he didnt physically walk out on me, but its almost as if he did because by hanging up he is showing/proving that he hasnt changed and that he would still be capable of walking out or running from a situation instead of solving it. SEE BELOW…
I have told him how I am getting feed up of him hanging up on me, and I am truly feeling like If he is taking me for granted. After all the things that I have done for him why doesn he treat me like this? I go see him and take the baby so that he doesnt miss out on her completely even if its once a month. I always encourage him and everytime he calls me I am always aware of his phone calls and make myself available to him. Is he not appreciating all I do? What should I do? I wrote him a letter not so long ago about him the way he been acting towards me and its not the 1st time he hangs up in my face. Should I ignore his calls when he decides to call me back and do the exact same thing he is doing? Act indifferent towards him? It makes me so upset that he kept insisting on me taking the baby because he hadnt seen her in a month, and now he acts like this? Please advice me becauase I am so feed up with this crap I have all these mixed up feelings right now…..