Need Help?

Question by Michael H: Need Help?
Just about my whole life I have battled up and down with drug and alcohol addiction. It seems to never go away. I am married and have to beautiful children. Why won’t these urges go away?

Best answer:

Answer by Buddie
Here are some Internet sites which will help you understand addiction better:

I was addicted to alcohol. I discovered I was able to quit drinking after I moved away from my group of alcoholic friends. The most difficult time was when I went to the store where I would find myself standing in front of the cooler staring the beer or in the liquor isle. If you believe in God, put this matter in His capable hands. I found that saying, “Get thee behind me Satan”, to myself helped me turn around and walk away without purchasing alcohol. Every time you do this, Satan loses and you win! Alcohol and drugs are evil. They cause so many heartaches. When you are under the influence, Satan is happy because he has control over you!

The longer you go WITHOUT alchohol, the weaker your urges will be. This is true! Start writing on a calendar each day you are alchohol free. Each day you do drink, write how much you spent on the beer, wine or liqour. Try to see how many days you can go without spending any money on alchohol. At the end of each month, total up how much you spent and how many days you drank. Divide the $ amount by the days you drank to arrive at an average amount of money you spent per day you drank. This way, you will know how much you are saving each day when you DO NOT drink! Make a point of seeing how much money you can save the next month! A friend of mine did this and determined he was spending $ 6.00 per day. He has not had a drink for over a year and has saved himself over $ 3,000.00!

Answer by anime1net
Well if u used those things 2 distrac u from ur problems ur brain will hold it as an addiction to future obstacles.4 ex:If u were dumped on prom night or something and made urself feel better by eating alot, then every time something like that happens ur brain will send those cravings.
Well I hope u get over it.

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