Alcohol Affects the Brain Centers?
Question by Nikita F: Alcohol affects the brain centers?
A. Equally B. Not Equally C. Depends on what you drink
Best answer:
Answer by man
Alcohol affects your central nervous system and depending on how much you drink and what percentage of alcohol is in your drink, the effects will be relative to that.
A concentration of 20-30% alcohol (e.g. sherry), gets absorbed into your blood fastest and if the volume of alcohol… Continue reading
Legal Lines: Drug Treatment Court
Legal Lines: Drug Treatment Court — Hosted by Tom O’Shea. Tom interviews Judge John S. Kennedy of the York County Court of Common Pleas and “John”, a graduate of York County D.U.I. Treatment Pr…
Taking Aim at 12-Step Programs
That and more are what the psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes and Zachary Dodes (father and son) claim in this polemical and deeply flawed book about the nature and treatment of addiction. … 179 pages. $ 26.95.… Continue reading
West 57th Street Home to Drug Rehab Quietly Marketed – Commercial Observer
West 57th Street Home to Drug Rehab Quietly Marketed – Commercial Observer
West 57th Street Home to Drug Rehab Quietly Marketed
Commercial Observer The long-time home of ACI substance abuse treatment center on West 57th Street has quietly hit the market with Christopher Snyder of CSRE Real Estate Advisors, Commercial Observer has learned. “It's a corner property,” Mr. Snyder said, and “highly … |
Rapper 2 Chainz Sentenced to Drug Rehab and… Continue reading
Chrystal Hassell Goes on Motel Crack Cocaine Binge and Gives Birth in Bathtub
Chrystal Hassell goes on motel crack cocaine binge and gives birth in bathtub
Child neglect charges have been filed against Hassell though it is unclear what, if anything, she will face regarding the possible drug possession and use. Terry said that he thought that probation for his earlier drug possession charge had expired and …
Read more on Daily Mail
Immigrant crack and heroin dealer will finally be deported after managing to …… Continue reading
Drug Addicted Babies Are Scary (13/8/11)
Drug Addicted Babies Are Scary (13/8/11) — Michael and Dando discuss the recent discovery that a high amount of babies in Geelong are born with a drug addiction. Epic lol.
Doctors warn of opioid addiction danger
Those most at risk include people with any history of substance abuse, including smoking. People with mental health issues like depression, anxiety and personality disorders are also vulnerable. A big challenge is for doctors to determine the motives …… Continue reading