Please Help Abuse of Prescription Drugs!?

Question by Nicole Bagdasarian: please help abuse of prescription drugs!?
a very close friend of mine takes ambiens not to sleep and i think shes addicted i would love to help her , she feels really bad for taking them but still does and she tells me always ”i feel like god is gonna give me paybacks for what im doing”

Best answer:

Answer by RWPossum
Her doctor could advise her about this problem.

You can tell her about alternatives. This is from the Mayo Clinic article on insomnia.

Stick to a sleep schedule. Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent from day to day, including on weekends.

Get out of bed when you’re not sleeping. Sleep as much as needed to feel rested, and then get out of bed. If you can’t sleep, get out of bed after 30 minutes and do something relaxing, such as reading.

Avoid trying to sleep. The harder you try, the more awake you’ll become. Read or watch television in another room until you become very drowsy, then go to bed to sleep.

Use your bed and bedroom only for sleeping or sex. Don’t read, watch TV, work or eat in bed.

Find ways to relax. A warm bath before bedtime can help prepare you for sleep. Having your partner give you a massage also may help relax you. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as reading, soft music, breathing exercises, yoga or prayer.

Avoid or limit naps. Naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you can’t get by without one, try to limit a nap to no more than 30 minutes and don’t nap after 3 p.m.

Make your bedroom comfortable for sleep. Close your bedroom door or create a subtle background noise, such as a running fan, to help drown out other noises. Keep your bedroom temperature comfortable, usually cooler than during the day, and dark. Don’t keep a computer or TV in your bedroom.

Exercise and stay active. Get at least 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily at least five to six hours before bedtime.

Avoid or limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Caffeine after lunchtime and using nicotine can keep you from falling asleep at night. Alcohol, while it may initially make you feel sleepy, can cause unrestful sleep and frequent awakenings.

Avoid large meals and beverages before bed. A light snack is fine, but eating too much late in the evening can interfere with sleep. Drink less before bedtime so that you won’t have to urinate as often.
Check your medications. If you take medications regularly, check with your doctor to see if they may be contributing to your insomnia. Also check the labels of over-the-counter products to see if they contain caffeine or other stimulants, such as pseudoephedrine.

Don’t put up with pain. If a painful condition bothers you, make sure the pain reliever you take is effective enough to control your pain while you’re sleeping.

Hide the bedroom clocks. Set your alarm so that you know when to get up, but then hide all clocks in your bedroom, including your wristwatch and cell phone. The less you know what time it is at night, the better you’ll sleep.

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