Possible Reasons for Drug and Alcohol Misuse Affecting Young People?

Question by THE TRUTH: Possible reasons for drug and alcohol misuse affecting young people?
Your answers will help me with my research for a presentation that I have to give on the above subject. Is the raise due to culture, or possibly class, or is it just the ‘throw away mentality’ because some youths feel that their lives will come to nothing.

Please go into detail when commenting,

10 points goes to the most thoughtful answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Joseph the Second
Bad Parenting. If Parents paid MORE Attention to the emotional needs of their Kids, the kids wouldn’t have to seek it out from the bottom of a bottle… It’s THAT simple.

Answer by kylan127
I think the main reason young people misuse/abuse drugs and alcohol is simply due to experimentation. I think that what happens thereafter is directly related to circumstances such as culture/class/family involvement, like how far their experimentation goes, does it become an addition or for social use.I don’t know if I agree so much with the throw it away mentality (their life), I think youth simply don’t consider consequences before they act, they live in the moment and not in the future.

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