Psych Doctors, I Was Wondering if Anyone Has a Oppinion on What Meds I Should Be Takeing?

I was diagnoced ith add when I was a kid of about 11 but did not follow up with meds because of parrents lack agreement. I got dependant on lots of street drugs from age 14 to 27. Everything from lsd to meth and everything between. I had a verry high tolorance for everything, docs later said it was self medicateing for lack of chemicals to my brain. I Over the years I been in much trouble for assult and thins like that. got completly sober at 27 for my wife and son. I also seen a psychiatrest. I have seen several now because of loss of insurance and move. I have been diagnoced with depression, anxiety, bipolor, obsessive compulsive and multipal personality. I been on paxil, prozac, wellbutrin, celexa, colotapin, xanax, tegratol, trazodone, lithium, thats all I can come up with off the top of my head. I now take 60mg of celexa day, 200mg tegratol 2ce day and 100mg trazodone 1ce at night. Everything seems to work for a while but now I have reached a point in life where nothing seems to be enough! The best way I can put it is I have a constant dig in my head that gets worse with time! Upping milligrams kind of seems to help but fades verry fast! I am now takeing the highest mg of everthing I take! I 1ce was the most energetic winner of everything I did! “a champion boxer of 12 years”! Now I lack modivation for everything! I take energy pills for help with my meds that have got where even they just keep my eyes open while I stair at the ceeling! I am heading down hill and dont know what to do? I dont know if my problem is need of add medication like when I was a kid or if I need some sort of long term drug rehab medication to help this dig at my head or what? My docs all say Im depressed but the meds only temporalery help. I have been counceled and talked till Im blue in the face! Only medication seems to help! What should I be on? I have a wife and 4 year old to take care of, I dont need to be fighting with myself 24/7 on modivation and drive with a constant itch in my head! Someone give me a idea of a medication to tell my doctor to help with my problem!

Thank you!