Questions About Seeing a Drug/substance Abuse Counselor…?

Question by !!!!: Questions about seeing a drug/substance abuse counselor…?
Okay so I am going to see a drug counselor tomorrow for substance abuse. I am really nervous because it is my first time ever going to a counselor. But I am excited for something new..
What can I expect on my first day?
Also, throughout the program am I going to be drug tested?
What happens, figuratively speaking, if I were to fail a drug test in the future while still attending my counselor? Would I get kicked out of the program??
Thanks for all your answers!! :)

Best answer:

Answer by Kessie
I can’t tell you exactly what your experience will be like but I’ve worked for an alcohol and drug service and it is just like any other counselor, they will talk to you about your problems, how they affect you, maybe what you’ve tried to do about it and find out your attitude towards it (you don’t say if it is voluntary counseling or not). Once they have done this they will tell you about the treatment and the course of action they would recommend you take.
The place I have worked didn’t do tests, a counseling relationship is based on you telling them things that are confidential and are kept that way so they trusted people to tell them if they had relapsed. They might test if you are being required to go rather than volunteering to though. I really, really doubt they would kick you out if you fail a drug test because that would undermine the whole point! People who relapse need the counseling more than ever and that wouldn’t make sense, I have never heard of that happening.

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