Southcoast Recovery’S Depression and Dual Diagnosis Programs
The majority of our clients coming in for addiction treatment have significant depression and anxiety problems upon their arrival at our program. This is why we call ourselves a “dual diagnosis facility.” We believe that if we treat the addiction, through twelve step based groups, sponsors, and a variety of educational and treatment components, while focusing on the underlying causes of depression and anxiety, we are able to treat the whole problem.
At SouthCoast Recovery, we have a complete psychological treatment team, in addition to our substance abuse counselors, and CADAC. Our clinical staff is comprised of psychiatrist Kevin M. Kinback M.D., Bob Buley Ph.D. a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Mary McKenzie and Helen Bergenfeld both Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Deborah Beaver a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern. Combined, our staff has well over one hundred years of treatment experience focusing on anxiety and depression. After a psychological evaluation, clients are assigned weekly or twice weekly hour long visits with one of our clinical therapists, to see to it that they end up leaving SouthCoast Recovery, not only clean and sober, but free from depression and anxiety. We feel if they leave our facility, clean and sober, with the proper knowledge and tools to beat their dual-diagnoses, then the chances of relapse will drop significantly.
We have also developed within the SouthCoast community a depression specific track, which allows for clients with depression, who do not have any problems with addiction, to get a complete treatment program specifically designated to them. In our Depression Treatment program, clients receive a special treatment book not related to addiction therapy or recovery, as well as, attend groups and meetings aimed specifically at depression, clients are also encouraged to attend meetings of Depression Anonymous and Emotions Anonymous rather than the AA or NA tracks typical of those fighting depression and addiction. This depression track program was started because treatment in hospital settings for depression, are typically far too expensive for most of our clients. While we have had clients go through our program and be successful with a 30 day stay, we recommend at least 60 days attendance in this program and we prefer that our clients stay for our full 90 day program, in order to get the most effective long-term treatment possible. We believe that the causes of depression are based around rage and anger turned inwards in most cases, so our attempt with depression, is to get to the underlying rage and anger, resolve it, and the depression will be relieved.
Whoever it was that made the statement, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” was lying. Sticks and stones will break bones and heal over time, in many cases. However, emotional abuse, especially humiliation, seems to last forever. Just because the hammer is covered with velvet, (that is words instead of punches), it is still a hammer, and people feel those words for a lifetime, without help. We offer the help to eliminate the force and damage of those words or actions. We offer a free consultation with our psychologist, to see if any of our programs my be right for you. For a look at SouthCoast Recovery’s programs and to learn more about how we can help you deal with Dual Diagnosis or Depression.
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