Locating a Drug Rehab Facility?
Question by KS: Locating a drug rehab facility?
Hey everyone,
i really need your help. My best friend was admitted to a drug rehab facility in the Cape Cod, MA area last week. I don’t know the name of the clinic, and his parents are refusing to talk to any of his friends during this time. I really need to just call him and talk to him even for a few minutes.… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?
Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home at different hours of the night and sometimes not come home at all.
Samantha’s mother DENIES that she uses,but everyone in the family is certain… Continue reading
About Drug Rehab and Clinic … ?
Question by Gracie: About drug rehab and clinic … ?
Hello my best friend is now is a clinic.
She is in and out for a long time..from cocaine (witch she is using for 7 years) and alcohols..etc, she is taking cocaine every 5 min and a bottle of vodka every 30 min..first I thought it is a joke but it wasn’t.
I am paling to go and look after her, but the problem is… Continue reading
How Is Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Different?
Question by : How is alcoholism and drug addiction different?
My son’s father is a drug addict and I almost never allow him to see his father. One of my best friends is an alcoholic and I am trying to help her through it. They both act very similar and I’m wondering if there is any difference between being a drug addict and an alcoholic. Both can be violent and I don’t ever… Continue reading
My Best Friend Is Very Addicted to Crack. This Addiction Is Crushing Our Relationship.?
Question by Jac787: My best friend is very addicted to crack. This addiction is crushing our relationship.?
My best friend is very addicted to crack. This addiction is crushing our relationship. torn between wanting to help and concern.
How do I get involved this problem? I work near Joppatowne, Maryland.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Mini
Answer by Ally R
Stop being… Continue reading
'Normal, Happy Kid' Loses Life to Heroin
'Normal, Happy Kid' Loses Life To Heroin
“He was my best friend,” said his older sister, Autumn, now 21. “ We were … And there was no rehab. But he was getting more and more angry and rebellious. He was being rough on his younger brother. “I knew something was wrong,” Ms. Duvall said. “I … Read more on Monroe Evening News
Dennis Rodman's Penance: Says 'Sorry' and Checks into Rehab [Video+ Latest …
In… Continue reading