Alcohol Affects the Brain Centers?
Question by Nikita F: Alcohol affects the brain centers?
A. Equally B. Not Equally C. Depends on what you drink
Best answer:
Answer by man
Alcohol affects your central nervous system and depending on how much you drink and what percentage of alcohol is in your drink, the effects will be relative to that.
A concentration of 20-30% alcohol (e.g. sherry), gets absorbed into your blood fastest and if the volume of alcohol… Continue reading
Is Marijuana Proven to Be Addictive?
Question by : Is marijuana proven to be addictive?
I thought it was only psychological but this government website says otherwise, if you have any websites to recommend to look at for addictive potential list them. Does this only apply to long-term users? Here is the link and what it says
Addictive Potential
Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction; that is, compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite the known harmful effects upon functioning… Continue reading
What Causes Addiction?
Question by melon_rose: What causes addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave Yours Truly
Drug use or abuse crosses the line into drug addiction when you feel you have to have the drug, and you increase the amount of the drug you take. Various factors, such as your personality, your genetic makeup and peer pressure, affect your likelihood of becoming addicted to a drug. In addition, some drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, more quickly produce… Continue reading