Drug Rehab Birmingham | Alcohol Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Birmingham
Drug Rehab Birmingham | Alcohol Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Birmingham — http://birmingham.alcoholdrugrehabal.com Alcohol Drug Rehab Birmingham Call (205) 208-9977 to Get Help Now. We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facil…
Death of Ala. jail inmate under investigation
(AP) – The Alabama Bureau of Investigation is probing the death of a Dallas County jail inmate. Sheriff Harris Huffman says … Huffman says Hudson was taking several medications and was scheduled to attend drug… Continue reading
What Are the Available Drug Rehab Centers in Baltimore, Maryland?
Question by adreanna b: What are the available drug rehab centers in Baltimore, Maryland?
A close neighbor of mine has recently decided to turn over a new leaf, and I want so much to help her. I told her that I’d help her find a rehabilitation center, but I’m at a loss. I don’t know how to start. We live in Baltimore, Maryland. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by carli h
Going to your doctor… Continue reading
Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Question by : Southern California Free Rehab Centers?
Hello All,
I am finally done flushing my life down the toilet and need some help. Does anybody know of a Rehab Center in Southern California that provides services free of charge. I have previously attended the Salvation Army and was hoping to find some alternatives.
Best answer:
Answer by DeAnne
I don’t know of any free ones, but you could contact United Way; they know… Continue reading
Speakers Share Their Journeys of a Life Impacted by Addiction
Speakers share their journeys of a life impacted by addiction
Parents, students and teachers attended Troup County Prevention Coalition's town hall meeting Wednesday evening at the Lafayette Garden Inn to listen to first-hand experiences from two men affected by prescription drug addiction. The two speakers are …
Read more on LaGrange Daily News
Drug days behind him, former Oatkan Knight gets another shot at life and football
“It was my time free from… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?
Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home at different hours of the night and sometimes not come home at all.
Samantha’s mother DENIES that she uses,but everyone in the family is certain… Continue reading