Teen Drug Rehab: Heroin Problem Getting Younger; Average Age of People Seeking Treatment at 26 – MyNorthwest.com

Heroin problem getting younger; average age of people seeking treatment at 26 – MyNorthwest.com
Filed under: Teen Drug Rehab


Heroin problem getting younger; average age of people seeking treatment at 26
An alarming number of teens and young adults in the Puget Sound area are going from prescription pain killers to heroin as their drug of choice. "If we don't get our hands and heads around how to stop this, we're going to be losing kids left and right

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Sudden-Onset Madness – New York Times
Filed under: Teen Drug Rehab

Sudden-Onset Madness
New York Times
That made sense to the doctor. Delirium is an unusual but known side effect of that drug. He put the patient on a different sleep medication and returned him to rehab. DELIRIUM. Two days later he was back. He was still seeing people who weren't there



Mandatory Drug Tests — For School Kids? – Huffington Post
Filed under: Teen Drug Rehab

Mandatory Drug Tests — For School Kids?
Huffington Post
So, later this year at the all-male Rockhurst High they will begin to randomly drug test the student body by taking 60 hairs from the head of each teen. This will be repeated every 90 Government abuse of rights starts just like this." I bothered to



Drug-testing in football: how does it work and does it go far enough? – The Guardian
Filed under: Teen Drug Rehab

The Guardian

Drug-testing in football: how does it work and does it go far enough?
The Guardian
"appropriate rehabilitation, to allow players to return to the game clean … without being stigmatised for an offence that arose outside of the Wada requirements." In the absence of a proven high-profile drug-cheating footballer, British football's

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Desperate addict steals mother’s wedding rings – Stuff.co.nz
Filed under: Teen Drug Rehab


Desperate addict steals mother's wedding rings
Rather than press charges against their son, who suffers from anxiety and depression, the couple enrolled him in a drug rehabilitation programme at Odyssey House in Auckland, where he remains on a waiting list for help. "If he doesn't go, we'll be
