To Much Adderall With High Blood Pressure? ?

Question by : To Much Adderall With High Blood Pressure? ?
My blood pressure is
With a 105 pulse.

I don’t know how many adderall I took today, but I remember taking
8 20mg ir
1 30mg IR
Then I think 4-6 of 25mg xr.

Is my blood pressure bad?

am I at stroke risk or death risk?

I have a huge tolerance to adderall
(Up to 7-8 30mg IR)

I don’t want to go to the hospital.
Then Ill get ripped off adderall from my doctor.
I’m 13, I have add. But the withdraw from high doses of adderall suck and I have school so I’m forced to take more. Can’t withdraw for school, or ill ditch. So, I’m trying to wean my self off.
Today I took ambien at 1-2pm to sooth the withdrawal from adderall (tried not to take any today and tomorrow, didn’t work out) and ended up taking a hole bunch of adderall.
not taking ambien again, it just makes me do stuff like this.
however for an hour it worked kinda like methadone, I felt no withdrawal. That hour was great.
When ambien wore off I went into this state, had to take adderall. Didn’t want to.
I think I have a problem. Going to try on my own, if it doesn’t work, tell my parents.

I already said this, but I have a HUGE(really, Huge) tolerance to adderall both ir (immediate release) and xr (extended release)

Is my blood pressure bad?

Please don’t say, “drug addict” or “go to rehab” , etc. Because its unhelpful and I can admit I have a problem & addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Zootal
The way I see it, you have two choices:

1) Tell your parents so they can get you the help you need.

2) Die. Soon. Real soon.

It’s your choice….

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