Too Immature for Counseling/Advice?
In August I start my new job as a special education aide. I’ve substituted numerous times and really like it so I’m sure the job, while stressful at times will be fun for me. I am also very active in my church and am a co-youth leader, as well as I volunteer to have ‘church’ at a local drug and alcohol rehab center. I’ve been leaning towards being a counselor for a long time but at 23 I just feel that the life experience isn’t there, even when I finish say, at 26. Say I went into drug and rehabilitation counseling, I’ve never done drugs myself but have seen the effects through my dad(now clean for 15 years, and is now a pastor). I have also been through a lot of death and crises. I am also thinking about maybe being a high school counselor, so many kids will end up in a drug and alcohol rehab, if not in jail.
I have an A.A for transfer and 15 hours in pre-reqs towards a bachelor’s, but nothing substantial as far as classes. I have taken a Christian Counseling class, but mostly for my own benefit. I am not good at math, so the statistics SCARE me. I passed College Algebra after 3 times, but I figure if this is what I’m meant for then so be it.
I guess my question is, how can I be a good counselor without experience? Sure, a degree has its place, but it’s only a degree. I struggle a lot of with my educational goals for myself. If anyone has any advice please let me know. I would really like someone in the counseling field to let me know about this issue. I guess I feel inadequate, and if I taught I would teach English; Reading Coach; or Adult literacy programs. Any advice on my goals, fears, and insecurities?
Thanks so much.