Trace Adkins in Rehab?

Trace Adkins in rehab?
Trace Adkins goes to rehab for alcohol after being sober for 12 years Vine: brandonbailey18 Instagram: brandonmichaelbailey.


Back in Philly, T.O. still thinks he can play
"You have so many guys with off-the-field problems, drug issues, alcohol problems and they're still given second chances and third chances. They're putting them in rehab and keeping them on the team. I never had those issues. It's disappointing.". Read more on The San Luis Obispo Tribune

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Breakup: Lupus Not The Reason For Rehab
While some thought that Selena Gomez went to rehab for using drugs and alcohol as well as her recent lupus condition, other believed that it was because she was missing Justin Bieber and wanted to get over him. Well whatever the reason was, the “Slow … Read more on Fashion & Style

Colin Farrell believes in miracles – like a blade of grass pushing between two
After starring in big budget features like The Recruit, Alexander and Miami Vice, Colin Farrell's lifestyle caught up with him and he entered rehab in 2005 and hasn't touched alcohol since. Colin, 37, has two sons, James, 10 and Henry, four, by two … Read more on