Views on Medical Marijuana for Treatment of ADD/ADHD?

Question by Zach: Views on medical marijuana for treatment of ADD/ADHD?
Let me know what you think! I have ADHD and I think it would be a tremendous help. I want to be off the man made medications. They r dangerous.

Best answer:

Answer by Spencer s
I have ADHD too, weed is so great for it. You finally get to be calm for a little while, and your thoughts slow down a little bit to normal. Its really great, it feels good to be off synthetic medications

Answer by Robin Spake
I am a former Medical Marijuana patient. I had never used it for ADHD. I have heard it used for
ADHD. I don’t know if it works (or how well it works). Medical Marijuana is not just anything that you could find from a contact. Most street marijuana – stoners weeds – is unsafe. Marijuana that is grown outdoors is subject to bird droppings. Marijuana is subject to insect infestation, opportunistic mites, and marijuana is highly prone to mold. Insects, mites, and mold all kill the plant. Growers spray the plants with insecticides, miticides, and fungicides. These are all poisons. Patients who have a compromised immune system can not risk the pathogens in bird feces, insects, insect parts and larvae, and mites, nor can they risk mold infection. No one should be smoking poisons. Marijuana has many metabolites, including THC, THCV, CBN, and CBD. The THC, THCV, and CBN are psychoactive. They cause tachycardia (racing heart). Tachycardia can cause problems in many patients. CBN causes problems in most patients. CBD is a therapeutic metabolite The marijuana that is sold today has had the CBD bred out and the THC ~ levels increased, because it is sold to make people high. In stoners weed, the levels of the many metabolites vary from gram to gram and from plant to plant. Medical Marijuana uses stabilized strains – the levels of the metabolites are consistent form one gram to the next, and from one plant to the next. This allows medical dosing. Medical Marijuana – for patients with compromised immune systems is grown indoors in special controlled environments free of parasites, pathogens, mold, and chemicals. The marijuana is not grown in soil, because the plant uptakes lead in it’s root system, and naturally makes 2 toxins in it’s roots. There are over 1500 strains of stoners marijuana. A few strains of Medical Marijuana. Every medical indication has the best possible strain for that patent’s condition, including ADHD. Medical marijuana is not always smoked. THC, etc. is not water soluble. THC dissolves in alcohol, fat, and in oil. Concentrates are made from the plant to greatly increase the levels of THC, etc.. Pain Control and cancer both need very high levels of THC as much as 97 percent uses small doses often/day. The patient makes their concentrates which concentrate both the THC and the CBD. CBD is also effective in treating pain, it treats cancer, is an anti-inflamatory and is a neuro protectant. THC, occurs as THC acid. When you smoke it, or when concentrates are made, your body converts it to THC. Marijuana can be juiced (like a carrot). The juice is high in THC acid, but it is not metabolized in to THC (it is urinated out). The pateint does not get high, but gets CBD.

It is anticonvulsant and an anti-psychotic. CBD may be (I don’t know, but it seems so) in treating ADHD. You should find the best strain of marijuana for you. See

See my blog

I no longer need marijuana, the now have Rx drugs that work.

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