Alcoholism: The Cause & the Cure the Proven Holistic Method of Curing the Biochemical Addiction to Alcohol.

(PRWEB) November 12, 2003

This groundbreaking book exposes the controversial yet scientifically documented and proven nature of alcohol addiction and its root biochemical link to hypoglycemia and sugar addiction and engages that information to to teach the proven methods that actually cure alcohol addictive biochemistry.

Numerous studies have linked the propensity to become a problem drinker with hypoglycemia and as a result holistic related methods using diet and aggressive nutritional therapy have been developed to heal the damage that alcohol does to the body thereby breaking the addiction and eliminating the craving and desire to drink excessively. Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure offers the most aggressive diet and nutritional programs to heal the damage and break the addiction quickly. The phenomenal success rate of better than 80% of those who participate in these methods of breaking the addiction is as inspirational as the book.

The holistic formulas in “Alcoholism:… address the specific biochemical pathways of a problem drinker’s biochemistry which create the anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, compromised mental performance, compulsive behavior and paranoia associated with problem drinking. Breaking the physical addiction by healing the damage done to the body and brain chemistry by excessive drinking is the foundation of the program.

After thorough discussion aimed to help the problem drinker understand the true nature of their addiction and what is essential to break it “Alcoholism:… provides a health-based program that includes a diet aimed at maintaining healthy blood-sugar levels as well as nutritional formulas such as General Health, Detox, GI Health, Liver Repair and Depression Formulas to repair the damage as well as an alcohol damage Prevention program for those who chose to drink moderately after successfully completing the program.

The Detox formula guides the participant through detoxing quickly with minimal symptoms which helps release the fear of the initial stage of quitting. The holistic based program promotes that once the damage has been healed and with a continued diet aimed at keeping healthy blood sugar levels one may drink moderately again, enjoying alcohol occasionally without the desire to overindulge. Successful completion of the program returns the choice to drink or not to drink to the person with a body chemistry that will support their choice.

Topics of interest to the problem drinkers that are covered in detail include: * The truth about

In Alcoholism: The Cause The Cure you will learn….

· Why you must heal the body and the effects of alcoholism on the brain to truly break the addiction and why no amount of “talk therapy” or years of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings will cure alcohol addiction and stop the craving to drink.

· How and why the typical dry drunk diet can lead to serious health issues and disease such as diabetes, cancer and obesity and how our program can help you relieve, avoid or even cure these conditions.

· How the effects of alcoholism abuse have destroyed healthy brain, liver and glandular processes and how this damage creates alcohol addiction.

· How to end alcohol cravings and cure your alcoholic bio-chemistry with this alcoholism treatment program that administers proper diet and aggressive nutritional supplementation for your specific body chemistry.

· The sugar connection to alcohol abuse – Why nearly 95% of alcoholics tested in a random study were hypoglycemic. What most alcoholism treatment programs are missing – how to end the hypoglycemic madness through blood sugar management and get the monkey off your back for good.

· How to cure alcoholism symptoms such as depression, fatigue, paranoia and anxiety by repairing damage done to your nervous system, heart, liver, adrenal glands, brain and the rest of your body.

· How the damage created by alcohol abuse induces depression and follows most in 12 step treatment programs into sobriety and drives them back into problem drinking with added intensity.

· How to detoxify your body – the 6 week quickest path to feeling great and inducing the healing process which repairs the effects of alcoholism on the body and alcoholism symptoms.

· The scientific facts that prove the claims that alcoholism is a disease has absolutely no scientific foundation and the facts that prove alcohol abuse is an addiction that can be cured with proper bio-chemical treatment that addresses the root of the addiction.

· How alcohol abuse damages healthy brain neurotransmitter activity and how to heal those systems to restore your natural joy, peace of mind and inspiration.

· The detailed physiological process that details how healing the physical damage cures alcoholism.

· How to change your bio-chemistry from one abuse-prone to one of a social drinker.

· Proof that the psychological symptoms are caused by the bio-chemical and physical damage done by alcohol abuse and how aggressive nutritional and dietary holistic treatments can cure these symptoms and remove the compulsive desire to abuse alcohol along with the multitude of other psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, mental exhaustion, paranoia, low self-esteem, aggravation and frustration.

· How millions have quit or moderated on their own and why more people quit on their own than all treatment centers and Alcoholics Anonymous efforts combined.

· How to prevent future bio-chemical damage with proper diet and nutritional supplementation.

· An introduction to many of the healthy social / support systems such as The Life Process Program which address behavior modification and healthy social support systems.

· Why so many in Alcoholics Anonymous (and most anyone who attempts to quit drinking) eat so many donuts, drink so much coffee and migrate toward starchy, high simple carb diets and how that keeps the dry drunk depression and craving for alcohol going… how they can get the monkey off their back for good!

· How, once the damage to the body has been healed with this proven holistic alcoholism treatment program, you can create a healthy relationship with alcohol and drink moderately if you choose.

“I truly believe we must state these bold truths as loud as possible to cut through the cloud of ignorance, isolation and destructive views about alcohol addiction and the effects of alcoholism that has been produced over the last 70 years and lead people searching for a healthy lifestyle onto the paths which produce one.”

Genita Petralli

Author, Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure
